Tuesday 12 January 2021

Sermon: Warnings to avoid woe (Matthew 23)

In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 23, Jesus warns about the dangers of religious hypocrisy and teaches that we can respect someone's role or title, without condoning or copying their bad practices.  In this sermon, we consider what religious hypocrisy might look like and how we are to avoid it.

Monday 11 January 2021

Sermon: The Glory of Unspectacular Obedience (Luke 3)

The last three years of Jesus' ministry, full of incredible teaching and miracles, were spectacular and memorable, and hence we find lots of details about those years recorded in the Bible.  

But there's hardly anything written down about the first 30 years of his life.  However, at the baptism of Jesus, we learn about the glory of unspectacular obedience, and in this sermon we consider how that can encourage us now to be holy.